Graham Mayor

... helping to ease the lives of Microsoft Word users.

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Word Pages

Add the date a page (or section) of a document was updated to the page header/footer As Word is not a page layout application dating the individual pages of a document is problematic, but this page suggests a possible solution that may work for some users, employing docvariables and a macro to create them. The field construction described and the macro code that makes it work are included in a sample document linked from the page.

Add hyperlinks to footnote and endnote texts - Autoformat does not work on endnotes and footnotes and so I have come up with a method that will work around it.

Address Book Add-In for Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 - When Microsoft produced the Home and Student versions of Office, without the benefit of Outlook to store frequently used addresses, inserting postal addresses into Word documents became something of a problem. This add-in aims to overcome that by providing a convenient means of storing addresses and inserting them into documents.

Add travel time to Outlook Appointments and Meetings - A code example for adding travelling times to meetings in the Outlook calendar.

Append, change or remove Charformat and Mergeformat switches - A user friendly add-in to facilitate the handling of formatting switches in those Word fields capable of using them.

Associate a printer with a Word document - Word has no mechanism to store the printer name associated with a particular document. This page offers a workaround by storing the printer information in the document's properties and choosing the information stored there to print the document.

Automatically backup Word documents - Contrary to popular opinion, Word has no integral means of automatically saving the current document, nor of backing-up the current document. The implications and work-arounds are explained here.

Automatically number Word documents - An add-in to automatically number documents, and to print batches of sequentially numbered documents. The page also includes macro examples to provide automatic document numbering from a user number stored in an ini file, a document variable or the Windows registry.

Autotext backup and restore - A process to allow the user's autotext entries stored in the Word Normal template to be backed up and restored.

Avoiding unwanted auto-capitalization - Word is configured by default to auto-capitalize the beginnings of sentences. This is not always what is required. Checkout a few workarounds, including a simple use of autocorrect, suggested by Cheryl Flanders in the Word newsgroups.

Bar Coded Labels add-in - An add-in based on the Print Envelopes and Labels add-in to produce bar coded labels from Excel data. Note these are not postal bar codes for the US mailing service, but are for product identification etc.

Batch edit the file property dates - of files stored under the Windows filing system.

Batch converter for Word 97-2003 DOC format and Works WPS format to DOCX/DOCM - An add-in for Word 2010 and later) to batch convert Word 97-2003 DOC format and Works WPS format documents to Word DOCX format (or in the case of DOC files with macros to DOTM format) from hard drive folders and sub-folders.

Batch print a selection of documents - An add-in for Word versions 2002-2016 to overcome a limitation in Windows to select the order of a batch of documents to be printed from Word.

Batch print envelopes - A macro to batch print a set of envelopes for a group of letter documents saved in a folder, e.g. from a mail merge document split by the split merge add-in to separate letter documents.

Batch process Word documents - An add-in to facilitate the running of a variety of pre-programmed and user configurable processes on all the documents in a folder, including, if required, any sub folders of that folder.

Bookmarks, variables, document properties and content controls editor - an add-in for Word 2007 and later (32 bit versions) to list content controls, docproperties, docvariables and bookmarks in a document, edit their content, add new items (including items in dropdown property field listings) and insert references to them, thus exploiting the potential of all these means of holding and presenting data, without the requirement for any programming knowledge.

Centre the document in the Word window - When the Word view zoom setting is below a certain figure (which varies with screen resolution and window width) Word automatically switches the display to two pages. This causes the page to offset to the left when the document is only of one page, which some find inconvenient. This page demonstrates how to overcome that.

Change the appearance of Word envelopes - Envelope layouts provide hours of fun, if you don't know their secrets. The page includes setup instructions for Word 2007/2016 and for setting up a document to use window envelopes.

Check for uncompleted form fields - It is not unreasonable when preparing on-line forms using the forms toolbar that you require the user to actually complete the fields that you have included. There is no function in the field properties to force this requirement, but you can do so with the aid of a few small macros. To this end I have to thank Peter Hewett, a regular Word newsgroup contributor, for developing the code featured here.

Clear recently used file list - Word provides no direct method of deleting the contents of the recently used file list. This macro will do the trick.

Combine mail merge fields with protected forms - The function formerly described on this page has now been incorporated in the Many to One mail merge add-in.

Content Control Tool Kit - An improved interface for the insertion of content controls in Word documents, with a variety of additional functions to edit controls, to delete controls (included locked controls) and to edit list box and combo box content control lists.

Convert a number to a currency value in figures and text - an add-in to facilitate formatting numbers as currency values.

Convert labels to a Mail Merge data source - a web page that covers the process of extracting data from a pre-prepared label document to a mail merge data source where it can be edited and sorted before recreating the updated labels

Convert labels to Excel worksheet add-in - A Word add-in to simplify the process of extracting the data from a label document to an Excel worksheet. While the item above shows how you may do it manually (albeit to a Word table rather than Excel), this add-in uses more developed programming techniques to take the complexity out of the task.

Copy selected text to a new document - Word does not provide any obvious way of saving selected text to a new document, but, as usual, there are ways around this.

Correct envelope orientation issues - Word has no idea what the correct envelope orientation is for many printers. Here are a couple of fixes you could try to concentrate its mind.

Create a fraction - How to create a fraction in Word, when the required fraction font character is not available.

Create a new document (or workbook) - Create a new Word document or Excel workbook from a selection of pre-prepared personal templates, stored in one of a range of up to sixteen folders. These add-ins were produced to overcome fundamental limitations in the means of selecting personal templates provided by the most recent Word and Excel versions. The featured add-in does however work with PC Word and Excel versions from 2007 onwards.

Create a non-printing button - Add a button to a protected form (or other document) to print the form, without it appearing in the printout.

Create a perpetual calendar - An add-in for Word 2007 to 2016 to create perpetual year and month calendars as Word documents. Includes a facility to add birthdays/holidays etc.

Create a Userform - A beginner's guide to creating a simple userform for the insertion of data into a Word document. A companion page Populate a userform combo box from data in a table demonstrates how to populate a multi-column combo box from a Word table. The page also lists a code function to fill a combo box (or list box) from an Excel worksheet or named range.

Create a digital certificate - with SELFCERT.EXE to self sign your VBA project in Outlook and correct the issue  when you find your self certificate is untrusted by Windows.

Create Outlook Entries From Word - Example macros demonstrating how to add Word data into Outlook. The examples cover adding appointments from a list of appointments, adding a task reminder and adding a contact from an address contained in a document.

Custom dictionary editor - a simple editor to help manage multiple personal proofing dictionaries and exclude dictionaries.

Custom label definitions - How to backup or move your custom label definitions to another PC.

Customize the Word 2000/2003 File Operations Places Bar - In the file operations windows (File > Open; File > Save) Word offers a pre-configured Places Bar with five places where you might want to store documents. These places can be personalized, and by reducing the size of the icons, increased. Thus, for example, you might wish to add the documents folder on a local networked laptop; or, if you make frequent edits to templates, your templates folder.

Delete Word Backup Files add-in - An add-in to help manage the many backup files that Word creates when its option to save backup files is activated (as it should be).

Document NOT FOUND error - Several Word users have complained that when attempts are made to open documents by clicking in Windows/Vista Explorer, the document has failed to open, accompanied by a Document Not Found error message, which has failed to respond to the usual fixes. This page attempts to address that problem by making changes to the registry entry that controls the action.

Envelope Creation Tool - a simple envelope creator from pre-prepared Word templates (see also Print Envelopes or Labels Add-in

Export field constructions to text - If you have ever had to document complex field constructions in a text file, you will know how difficult it can be. This page reveals how it can be done using a macro solution. The page also covers the reverse of the process to convert text containing field constructions to working fields.

Extract data from a collection of similar documents  - A question in a newsgroup forum, in which the person wanted to extract a couple of lines of data from a series of similar letters, prompted this page, which demonstrates a method of batch extraction to a data table document.

Extract data from an e-mailed message - Based on a personal requirement to extract data from an e-mailed message, received on a daily basis, to a Word report, this page shows the macro code required to perform the task from both Outlook and Word. I have added code to demonstrate how to save attachments from particular e-mailed messages to the hard drive for further processing in Word.

Extract data from e-mailed messages to Excel - Actually nothing to do with Word, this page is based on a long running thread I answered in an MSDN programmers' forum, discussing how to extract data from Outlook to Excel.

Extract data from e-mailed messages to Excel, Access or a Word table add-in - Whereas the previous entry had nothing to do with Word, the linked page details an add-in for Word that provides a link between Outlook and Excel, Access (or Word) that expands on the macro code in the previous linked page to extract data from a batch of similar documents.

Extract data from protected forms and content controls - This page features a Word add-in to extract data from a number of similar form documents, to help prepare reports from form data and encompasses a complete process for handling forms returned by e-mail saving the data from the forms as a Word table, a comma delimited text file or an Excel worksheet.

Extract files from zipped attachments to e-mailed messages in Outlook - Example code to demonstrate how to automatically extract the contents of zipped files from  e-mailed messages

Extract images (and other media files) from a Word document (Excel workbook or PowerPoint Presentation) - Once an image is included in a Word document (as opposed to being linked to it), it becomes part of that document and extracting the image presents a few problems. This page highlights a number of methods, some simple, others less so.

Follow-on footer text (catchwords) - A method of adding the words that start each page to the footer of the previous pages, for which Word has no in-built solution.

Globally replace text with autotext entry - A method of replacing indicated text in a document with unusually formatted text, using the autotext function to provide the replacement text formatting.

Graphics as Radio Buttons in a Userform - A method of using graphics as radio buttons in a VBA userform.

How do I use text as a bullet? - Bullet characters in Word are normally single characters, configurable from the format > bullets and numbering dialog; but what if you wish to use a standard block of text as a bullet?

Idiots' guide to installing macros from text listings - Elsewhere in this web site, and certainly in the Microsoft Word forums you may be offered macro listings. Here you'll find a simple guide' to installing and using such macros in Word.

Individual merged letters - If you merge a form letter to a new document, Word will create a single document containing as many individual letters as you have records. It is possible to print individual letters, or you can split the document. A second Merge and Split add-in is separately featured and of particular relevance to users of merge documents with CSV data sources and over 256 fields, though it has wider use than that as a merge splitter.

Insert a date selected from a pop-up calendar - When inserting dates, especially into form fields, the ability to pick the required date from a calendar is useful. This page explains how to do that using a Word vba userform.

Insert a future (or past) date in a Word document - It is a simple matter to insert the current date in a Word document, but calculated dates are not so straightforward. This flexible macro will help.

Insert a future (or past) date add-in - Based initially on the previous item, this add-in includes the ability to vary the data to accommodate exclusions for weekends and holidays..

Insert a selection of documents into a Word document - The boiler add-in has been available from this site for some considerable time, in various incarnations. This is the accompanying and long overdue web page that explains its use.

Insert address from Outlook add-in for Word 2007/2016 - Word provides a built-in function to insert addresses from the Outlook address book, but the default configuration is unsuited to most users' requirements and the business of changing the configuration using an autotext entry can be daunting for some users. This add-in is designed to allow simple reconfiguring of addresses inserted from the address book, either to insert a complete address or an individual element such as a job title or telephone number.

Insert and store Boilerplate texts - An add-in to aid the insertion and storage of boilerplate texts for use in documents.

Insert Bar Code add-in - an add-in for Word 2013 and later, to help users with the syntax for the DISPLAYBARCODE and MERGEBARCODE fields.

Insert Custom Comments - Aimed at educationalists, sub editors and others who regularly review Word documents and who frequently insert the same comments in those documents, the linked page features an easily configurable add-in to store and insert those common comments at the click of a button.

Insert Filename and Path in a document - An add-in to provide a simple way of inserting the filename or filename and path of a document in that document at a place of the user's choice.

Insert logos /graphics on business cards and mailing labels - Graphics and watermarks can be a tad complicated to insert on labels, but whether you are preparing a single label, a page of labels, or a mail merge, it can be done. This page covers the issue of using the same graphic in each label, for a different graphic on each label, see also Mail Merge Graphics.

Insert Merge Fields add-in - A simple add-in that allows the insert merge field dialog to remain open and still allow the user to move the cursor position in the merge document

Insert Time (or Time and Date) add-in - An add-in to insert the time and/or date with the option to insert that time and/or date at preset intervals automatically, either at the cursor position or at the start of the current paragraph.

Insert variable texts into a Word form based on the content of a check box or dropdown form field - Choose which document, autotext entry or typed text to insert into a form, and use bookmarks, conditional fields or docvariable fields to position the insertions..

Invoice Template - Aided by Greg Maxey, and aimed at the small business and home office user, I have produced an interactive invoice template, which you can download and use.

Lined headings - A simple add-in to aid adding emphasis to headings using vertically positioned tab leaders. The add-in also provides the capability to fill the white spaces at the ends of paragraphs, to inhibit the addition of unauthorised texts.

Load Add-in Templates Temporarily - An add-in I produced, primarily for my own use, to load global templates from a range of up to 16 folders, temporarily for the current Word session.

Lost changes to Outlook document attachments - If you edit e-mailed Word documents directly from document attachments any changes you make are lost when you close the document. It may be possible to recover those changes. This page shows you how.

Mail merge attachments - The functions of this add-in are now incorporated and updated in the Many To One merge add-in.

Mail merge charts (Part 1) - A late addition, companion add-in to the mail merge tools listed below which has been long in development. This add-in feeds off principles developed in the Many to One add-in to enable the merging of charts into separate documents or e-mail messages.

Mail merge charts (Part 2) - Second part of the mail merge with charts story features a second add-in for merging charts from multiple selected records into a single document.

Mail merge - Convert a pre-typed label document into a data file - Before discovering the pleasures of mail merge, it is not unreasonable to type addresses into mailing labels. This is however difficult difficult to manage and the benefits of mail merge quickly become apparent - but maybe not if you have to retype all those addresses.

Mail merge duplex Avery™ name labels - An add-in to produce double sided name labels in a variety of formats, using mail merge from an Excel data source. (See also the add-in for producing double sided postcards.)

Mail merge graphics - There are many applications where it may be required to merge an image into a mail merge, based upon the content of the data file. e.g. in merge letters, you may wish to include a signature; in a catalogue you may wish to merge pictures of the items; or you may wish to produce ID badges with photos of the intended wearers, etc.

Mail merge graphics add-in - Based on the theory described in the web page listed immediately above, this add-in performs the back room tasks to insert the rather complicated field structure required to merge graphics at the click of a couple of buttons.

Mail merge hyperlinks - An add-in to aid the insertion of variable hyperlinks into a mail merge document with variable display texts or graphics based on the content of the merge data source. A companion function to replace texts with hyperlinks from an Excel data source is included.

Mail merge - 'Many-to-One' - A completely revised version of the many to One add-in which now incorporates the functions of the now obsolete Mail Merge with attachments add-in. It can also be used as an alternative merge splitter to the Individual Merge Letters add-in.

The add-in also now includes a function to combine protected forms and mail merge, that formerly was provided as a separate add-in. The facility now benefits from the extra functionality and error checking provided in the Many to One add-in, and also includes the ability to split a One to One merge document to the same range of destinations provided for Many to One. Unlike the Individual Merge Letters splitter, this function does not use mail merge to effect the split and so is not a replacement for that add-in.

Mail merge - Multiple Documents with Single Data File - Create a batch of merged documents from a single Excel data source, including merge to e-mail as attachments.

Mail merge - Outlook as a database - Outlook is a superb data source for your mail merged letters, envelopes etc., but Microsoft has all but hidden the tools required to release the power of this resource. This page will help you discover them

Mail merge - Outlook contacts - a complementary template to the Mail merge - Outlook as a database page to simplify the process described there.

Mail merge postcards - Merge data to the fronts and corresponding backs of Avery™ postcard formats. See also the add-in for producing mail merged duplex Avery™ name labels

Mail Merge to E-Mail - An add-n to mail merge from Word to Outlook, either as the body of an e-mail message, or as a Word document or PDF attachment with a personalised covering message.

Mail Merge to Variable Letters - An add-in to mail merge an Excel worksheet to documents declared in the worksheet, thus the same process can merge each record to the same or a different merge document.

Mail merge with Office XP & 2003 - The great Christmas card debacle of 2002 demonstrated for many people what a dog's breakfast Microsoft have made of what was a relatively simple procedure in Word 97/2000 …. the Word 2002/3 mail merge to mailing labels. This will help restore some sanity to the task.

Mail merge with Office 2007/2016 - An update to the above showing how mail merge has been changed in Word 2007/2016. While concentrating on label merges as these involve more steps, this and the Office XP & 2003 page provide information about mail merges in general.

Maintain Autotext Entries From A Word Table - Until Microsoft changed the way autotext entries worked with Word 2007, autotext entries were a very convenient means of entering frequently used texts etc., into a document. Maintaining a list of personal entries (over and above the default entries) is fairly straightforward, but only one at a time. This page demonstrates a method whereby entries can be stored in a table in a Word document, where they can easily be edited and transferred between users.

Make templates available to multiple users? - Where to store workgroup templates and add-ins.

Measurement Units - An add-in to allow easy toggling between two sets of measurement units in Word documents.

Multi-Choice Questions and Answers - An add-in to aid educators and others creating multi-choice questions and answers to create question documents with user interactive answer selection.

Multiple mail merge entries in the tools menu - Many users have complained that the mail merge entry in the Word tools menu is repeated uncontrollably. This is due to a bug in the Works add-in. This page explains how to deal with it.

My toolbars are missing! - The most common complaint in the Word newsgroups, but easy to fix. Though this is well documented elsewhere, it will not hurt to repeat the fix here.

Negative numbers in calculations - Word does not handle negative numbers correctly in field calculations. Here are a few workarounds.

Numbers on labels - Download an add-in to produce sequentially numbered labels, or use alternative techniques to produce labels with incrementing numbers.

Numbers on Labels (with Bar Code option) - A second and newer add-in to create sequentially numbered labels with or without bar codes..

Office 2003 Proofing Tools May Be Used With Office 2007 - Additional proofing dictionaries are available for Office 2007 on an individual basis, but if you have the Office 2003 proofing tools set, these can still be used with Office 2007 (but not with Word 2010 or later). The proofing tools are adopted by 2007 on upgrading Office 2003, but they can be installed subsequently. This page shows how.

Open a Batch of Documents from a List - An add-in to maintain lists of documents with their paths that may be opened and saved or closed  as a batch from a single button click.

Open a Word Document - from a selection of documents, stored in one of a range of up to sixteen folders. This process has been a later addition to my existing add-in produced to overcome fundamental limitations in the means of selecting personal templates provided by the most recent Word (and Excel) versions. There is nothing essentially different in the selection of documents from that of selecting templates, so it was an obvious development path for the add-in. The addition also allows documents to be used as document templates.

The Excel version (included in the zip file) already allows workbooks to be opened or used as templates and thus does not need a separate process.

Outlook - Automatically Add Reference Number (and Date) to outgoing Outlook e-mail messages and record the reference numbers in an Excel workbook, without opening that workbook in Excel.

Outlook Contacts to Excel Worksheet - Several of the mail merge add-ins to be found on this site require the data source to be an Excel worksheet. The template featured on the linked page provides a simple solution to extracting Outlook Contact data to an Excel worksheet.

Outlook Message Tables to Excel Workbook - Example Outlook VBA code to copy tables from the bodies of Excel messages and paste them into new Workbooks.

Page header has disappeared - It is all too easy to apparently lose the page header area, especially in Word 2003. This page explains the mechanisms involved and how to correct it.

Photo Gallery add-in template - A user configurable add-in template aimed at those who wish to include batches of photographs in (or with) a Word document, presented in a variety of formats.

Pre-printed stationery - Documents that may be printed to either plain paper or pre-printed stationery create a dilemma for the Word user. This page demonstrates a technique for temporarily hiding the letterhead displayed in the document when the document is printed on pre-printed stationery.

Print currently selected Outlook contact to an envelope or label - Not strictly a Word function, although Word is involved. This page includes a user form to create an envelope or label for the currently selected contact in Outlook.

Print to PDFCreator add-in for Word - An add-in to simplify the use of PDFCreator with Word

Print envelope or label - Developed from the function to print the selected Outlook contact this page describes an add-in that allows the creation of ad hoc label(s) or envelopes for a single address. Unlike the Outlook version, which obviously requires Outlook, this add-in works as an add-in to Word and does not require the presence of Outlook, though will use it if it is available. For version 2.0, the add-in was extensively updated to cater for the optional inclusion of logos and/or return addresses and to permit the modification of envelope and label formatting.

Print multiple copies of each page of a document - Recent versions of Word provide a 'zoom' tool in the printer dialog box, which enables several pages of a document to be printed on a single sheet, but what if you want multiple copies of each page?.

Print to a specific printer - Word normally prints to the Windows default printer (which must be present in order to format the document correctly) but you can force Word to print to a specific printer (or printer driver - which would include Fax drivers) by means of a simple macro.

Problems opening Word 2007/2016 docx format in earlier versions - Despite the availability of a compatibility pack, some users are experiencing difficulties opening docx format files in earlier Word versions. This is attributable to new features available to docx format from Word 2007/2010/2013/2016 templates. Despite the apparent problem, the documents should be capable of being opened. This page explains the process.

Quick toolbar access - Toolbars take up valuable screen space, particularly on small screens and laptops. Here's a handy method to toggle the most frequently used bars on or off.

Read an HTML file into the body of an Outlook e-mail message - Not strictly a Word issue, but a technique using VBA in Outlook to include formatted HTML data in an e-mail message.

Recent Files List Add-in - Store and edit lists of recent files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher) and present file lists for ease of file access for projects that use several documents. Not compatible with Office 2013/2016.

Recurring Outlook appointments that skip weekends - Nothing really to do with Word, but a workaround for those recurring Outlook appointments that the application cannot handle without assistance.

Remove Word Passwords - When you password protect a document against opening, then that document is encrypted and you will not be able to open it without the original password. Password protection for forms is less secure and can easily be removed to enable a form to be edited.

Rental Agreement Document template - A document template with userform, that may be configured as the basis of a variety of property rental agreements.

Reset Form Fields - Reset the fields in a protected form to their default settings.

Rotate or invert text in a text box - Word has no built-in function to invert text, to rotate it by 180 degrees or produce mirror imaged text. Standard Windows tools come to the rescue.

Save all the currently open documents and restore them when Word is next opened - an add-in to save and record which documents are currently opened then close those documents and Word

Save numbered versions - of any document. A macro to save numbered and dated versions of any document.

Save numbered versions add-ins for Word and Excel - An add-in loosely based on the above macro to facilitate the production of individually numbered document and/or Excel workbook versions.

Save the current document to two places add-in for Word 2007 to 2016 - An add-in which takes the simple save to two places macros on the automatically backup word documents page to a higher level.

Scan into Word 2007 and later - The facility to scan images directly into Word from version 2007 onwards isn't dead - it is only sleeping. This page shows how to wake it. Scanning into Outlook and Excel is also included.

Select a folder and save the document - An add-in to make it easier to work with a variety of document folders when creating documents

Select Outlook Account when Sending Messages - Nothing to do with Word, I have included a page to demonstrate how to configure Outlook to allow a user to select from available accounts when sending a message

Send Documents by E-mail - A simple add-in to enhance the user convenience of sending documents from Word by e-mail, using Outlook. Documents may be sent as the body of a message, or as an attachment in the original Word format or as a PDF format document.

Special formats for Word fields - Word provides the means to format the contents of fields inserted into the document. Here are a few tips intended to cover some of the less obvious issues.

Table Cell Finder - a simple tool for VBA programmers to quickly locate the cell number of a selected cell in a Word table with merged cells.

Table of Contents Tools - An add-in to hopefully simplify the insertion and editing of Tables of Contents (TOC) in a Word document.

Tablet PC Propagate Labels Problem - Word has a problem with propagating labels as part of the mail merge process, when used on a Tablet PC. With Word 2007, it appears the problem may not be limited to Tablet PCs. This link offers a vba solution to that problem

Telephone Enquiry Template - A Word document template for Word 2007 and later, designed to record telephone enquiries and forward them to an administrator for collation. The output is configures to be compatible with the extract data from e-mail add-in.

Text to speech in Microsoft Word - Enable Word to read your documents to you.

Toolbars in Word 2007/2016 - Word 2007 abandoned the familiar Word toolbars in favour of 'the Ribbon' and a Quick Access Toolbar (QAT), but for those who miss their toolbars, all is not lost. They can be made available to Word 2007/2016, if you plan ahead, or you still have an earlier version of Word installed. This page shows how to make those toolbar commands available and also how to run different Word versions on the same platform, at the same time, without conflict.

Userform Combo and List Box Column Assignment Assistant - An add-in to aid VBA userform programmers work with multi-column list and combo boxes.

Using {Macrobutton} fields to insert data - The macrobutton field can be used as a text marker within a template, or, as the name implies, be used to run a macro. This example demonstrates the use of the field to provide check boxes and to insert names and addresses from Outlook. While not strictly relevant to macrobutton fields, the page also includes example code for writing addressee information to Outlook Contacts collected from a typed letter.

Using alternative return addresses on envelopes - The return address on an envelope, when chosen, is picked up from the User Information under tools > options. You can only enter one address here, but many people use the same copy of Word to prepare letters (with return addresses) for various organizations, which precludes the use of the envelope wizard to add the return address - unless you feel the inclination to re-enter the user information for each - or does it?

Using wildcards in the find & replace tool - Essentially a revised version of the similar article I produced for the now defunct Word MVPS web site.

VBA code examples - Macros inspired by Word forum questions not covered elsewhere on the site. There are currently five pages in this section, each of which has a list of the included macros, and includes a page of useful functions that can be added to your projects.

What are those strange ruler units? - Sometimes Word 2002/3 pops up with strange units of measurement which clutter the ruler with tiny divisions that bear no relationship to the preferred measurements set in tools > options > general. These are Character Units. How do I set my preferred measurements?

When Word crashes - Such is the nature of the beast that sooner or later Word will crash. Files left behind can prevent Word from operating correctly. Check out what needs to be corrected.

Where are my fonts? - What to do when Word does not display all the available fonts installed in Windows.

Word built-in styles enumeration and constant names look-up add-in

Word cannot import Adobe PDF files, but... This page describes a workaround that essentially achieves the same ends.


About Word Pages

This page contains a list of and links to all the Word related pages on the site.

If you cannot see what you are looking for, you can search the site from the Search page linked from the navigation bars at the top and bottom of each page.

Note that not all pages have yet been updated to accommodate instructions for Word 2013 and beyond, but in most cases the instructions for Word 2010 will apply.

In case of specific issues with later Word versions that have not been addressed by Word 2010 instructions, please contact me with the page details.

All the screenshots and illustrations on this site were created or edited with SnagIt